What's the Verse Mapping Box?
Do you get overwhelmed at the thought of sitting down and trying to get in the Word? Is finding time to study your Bible is a struggle? Do you want to dig deeper but you don't know where to start? The Verse Mapping Box gives you the tools, a plan, and a community to make the most of your time.
Imagine sitting down and everything you need is at your fingertips. You have a verse mapping packet, pens, markers, a snack, and an amazing playlist to help you focus. The Verse Mapping Box creates the perfect environment to help you settle and get in the Word.

Let's Get Real.

Hey yall, Stacy here. I am the Creator of the Verse Mapping Box and that's my picture up there (taken by my cute and helpful Hubby). We've been married 10 years. I am an almost 40 year old mom of two sweet girls who decided the middle of a shutdown was the perfect time to launch a subscription box. And on the surface it seems crazy BUT I believe what people need now (and have always needed) is connection. People need people and everyone needs Jesus.
As a busy Mom of 2 I don't usually have time to sit down for an hour and do a Bible study. And, if I do I don't usually recall a whole lot of what I read the next day. Things are different with Verse Mapping. Instead of reading an assigned chapter or flipping back and forth to look up different verses, I get to focus on a verse or two that stands out to me and let God show me what He wants me to see.
The other methods worked great during other stages in my life but right now, this is what I need. The creative part of Verse Mapping forces me to use both the left and right sides of my brain. This helps me actually retain more of what I am studying and apply it to my life rather than cramming to read a bunch of chapters but not really remember anything applicable.
A big part of the Verse Mapping Box is the community that comes along with it. We get to share our verse maps with each other as well as pictures of our kids and prayer requests. We get to go on this learning journey together. And I will be there every step of the way. I can't wait to get to know you and connect. But most of all, I can't wait to watch you grow closer to Jesus.

What is verse mapping?
A creative way to study scripture for as long as you want & as deep as you want.